How to Make a Scrunchie- Easy Steps To Know!

How to Make a Scrunchie- Easy Steps To Know!
How to Make a Scrunchie- Easy Steps To Know!

How to Make a Scrunchie



This article is going to show you how to make a scrunchie. You can use fabric or even a hair tie. If you want a more professional-looking scrunchie, you can also purchase one from a store.

But the most fun part about making a scrunchie at home is that you can create it yourself. But first, let’s look at the steps involved. After all, it’s only a matter of a few minutes.


Sewing a scrunchie

There are a few steps to sewing a scrunchie. First, make sure your fabric is straight. Then, insert half-inch of the fabric into the scrunchie tube.

Be sure that the raw edges are hidden and the fabric is inserted both on the inside and outside.

Then, lower your presser foot and remove the pin. Repeat step until the fabric is long enough. Then, stitch the remaining opening.

After you’ve cut the fabric, you’ll need to sew the elastic into place. Use a chopstick or other object to push the fabric through.

This makes the scrunchie more secure and less bulky. If your fabric is bunched, you can loosen it by using tweezers.

Next, stitch a safety pin through the loop. Make sure the stitching is close to the edge.


Using a fabric

Before you start sewing, you should measure the fabric. Then, fold it in half so that the wrong side is on the outside. Place the other end in the middle and pin it.

Match the raw edges of the fabric and the seam edges. Sew around the whole circle, leaving a hole for turning.

Sew along the line, and then turn the fabric inside out and iron the edges. Once it is ironed, you can add a decorative stitch or use a #20 stitch.

If you don’t have a serger, you can stitch the edges. Simply fold the edges over about 0.5 inches and sew them together.

Use a ladder stitch to give your scrunchie a professional look. Now your scrunchie is ready to wear! Prepare to receive lots of compliments!

Just follow these simple steps to make your own scrunchie. Then, you’re ready to enjoy wearing your new scrunchie!


Using a hair tie

Making a scrunchie is a simple sewing project. It’s the perfect way to use up fabric scraps. And scrunchies are great for kids.

Simply sew a strip of fabric with elastic in the center to create the scrunchie’s tie. Another piece of fabric, usually with rounded ends, will be used to form the scrunchie’s bow.

Once it’s complete, secure the fabric bow with a hot glue gun.

Start by folding a three-inch-long strip in half longways. Place the fold approximately one inch in from the non-folded edge and cut a point at each end.

Repeat with the other piece of fabric. Continue until all strips are the same size. Repeat this process as necessary. You may need to cut the strip longer than desired to make sure the scrunchie is the right size.


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