You can learn how to cut jeans to short length by following the steps outlined below.

First, determine the length you want your jeans to be. There is no single standard length for everyone, and it depends on your body shape, your preferences, and even what shoes you wear.

Before cutting your jeans, try to find the exact length you want by trying them on. To find the correct length, measure the inseam and outer seam of an existing pair of jeans.

Next, cut the hem of the jeans. It is better to follow a chalk mark when cutting the hem of jeans. Then, cut the hem of the jeans according to the pattern.

Use a sewing machine or a hand-sewing method to stitch the hem. If you’re doing the job yourself, make sure to use a heavy-duty thread. Also, make sure to use a needle with a sturdy stitch so that the seam doesn’t fray.

If you’re not comfortable with a sewing machine, you can make use of a cheese grater to give your shorts a worn-in look.

Another technique is to add holes to the shorts by making horizontal cuts half an inch apart. Use a template or an existing pair of shorts to measure and cut.

When cutting jeans, remember to add 1/2 inch for fraying. This will save you a lot of money in the long run.

Once you’ve determined the exact length of your shorts, you can start cutting. To start, fold the jeans in half, and cut horizontal strips half an inch apart.

Cut the strips to the desired length, and pluck the blue threads out of them. The threads in your jeans are white, but blue. When you cut them into shorts, they’ll appear striped horizontally. You can also cut them into bermuda shorts if you’re looking for a more comfortable fit.

If you’re cutting your jeans from an adult pair, you can either cut the hem or the side seam. While cutting the hem, you can also try fraying the edges with a knife or hemming tape, which requires no sewing at all.

Remember to choose a sharp needle with the right thickness. It’s also recommended to purchase a new pair of sewing scissors to prevent fraying. If you’re not comfortable using a sewing machine, use a hand-sewing needle.

The needle needs to be a new one because it’s used to sew denim jeans.

Once you’ve cut the jeans, try them on in front of a mirror to check for fit. Cut them a little shorter than usual if you find them too long.

Afterward, try them on and adjust their length if needed. If they don’t fit, add a finishing touch to the edges and throughout. When you’re finished, your jeans will be shorts you can wear for summer.

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